Ladislav Kossár

Founder of the BUDDY program / CEO / Donor Care


A philanthropist, entrepreneur, financier and investor with a big heart, who decided to turn his success and years of experience into helping the most vulnerable. 


He founded the BUDDY program in 2006 by chance, when he bought a bracelet from children who are growing up in a children’s home. He gave them a larger amount than they were expecting, so the grateful carer invited him to visit their children's home. When he asked her "How can I help?", the answer was simple: "Find a way for these children to spend their free time outside the children’s home." Laci took it up as an assignment and has been working on it since. That’s how the BUDDY story started.  


Building the BUDDY program and his own volunteer experience with the long-term support of two boys from children’s homes taught him patience. He is the heart of the organization, which he continues to lead pro bono. His most important task is the strategic direction of the organisation, ensuring its financial sustainability and building relationships with the organisation’s supporters and donors. 


Laci studied law at the Comenius University in Bratislava and enriched his academic experience by spending part of his studies at the Utrecht University and Harvard  University. After a short internship at the UN in New York, he worked for four years in investment banking in London and Frankfurt. He spent 10 years developing real estate projects and investing in venture capital.  After this experience, he gradually sold his shares and moved into the non-profit sector. 


His love of art inspires him to blend the world of philanthropy with best the practices from business and science. He tries to connect people, opportunities, time and resources for the creation of high added value, especially for those who were not as lucky in life as he was. He supports students through the Provida foundation’s “Wings scholarship” program and mentors young entrepreneurs. In his spare time, he devotes himself to modern art and philosophy, enjoys nature, basketball and stand-up comedy. He believes in equal opportunities, truth, beauty, love, freedom and a better world. He tries to bring the best of investment, business, science and art to the sustainable solution of fundamental social problems. His life motto is "the beauty of the unexpected". 

Ladislav Kossár in the media

Program Buddy sa rozrástol po Slovensku. Deti bez rodín potrebujú dospelého, hovorí Kossár

FORBES: Bezpečný a blízky vzťah s dôverným dospelým. Program Buddy nahrádza deťom z centier starostlivosti o deti to, čo im pri vyrastaní najviac chýba.

Buddy: Darcovia (ne)obyčajného času

.týždeň: Hovorí sa, že v dnešnej neurotickej dobe to najvzácnejšie, čo môžeme človeku dať, je náš čas. Deťom v detských domovoch môžete pomôcť finančne, čo sa, samozrejme, cení. Ale existuje jedno občianske združenie, prostredníctvom ktorého môžete deťom,

Kossár: Aj vysokopostavení manažéri sa starajú o deti z detského domova. Priateľstvo je slobodné a dávame ho deťom

15.11.2024 Let's Talk Business: Ľudia môžu deťom darovať svoj drahocenný čas. Ako to celé funguje a ako môžeš pomôcť aj ty? Prečo sú deti v detských domovoch a ako im pomáhajú aj vysokopostavení manažéri?

SozialMarie 20th Anniversary Edition

Podcast: Why? Why? Why? pri príležitosti 20. výročia ocenení za sociálne inovácie SozialMarie s Lacim Kosárom ako jedným z hostí

Lužifčák #250 Ladislav Kossár - Najlepšie minuté peniaze a čas sú na to, aby si zistil kto nie si.

Lužifčák: Rozhovor so zakladateľom programu BUDDY, Lacim Kossárom

Ladislav Kossár (BUDDY): Dôvera a vzťahy sú to, čo držia program BUDDY pokope

Podnicast s Peťom Chodelkom: Rozhovor so zakladateľom programu BUDDY, Lacim Kossárom

Interview :24 s Lacim Kossárom

RTVS: Diskusná relácia s Martou Jančkárovou a zakladateľom programu BUDDY, Lacim Kossárom

Hosť Rádia Regina Západ: Ladislav Kossár

RTVS - Rádio Regina: Rozhovor s Lacim Kossárom o tom, kto je BUDDY

DÁSATO robiť zázraky s Lacim Kossárom

DÁSATO: Rozhovor so zakladateľom Programu BUDDY, Lacim Kossárom

„Až 80-90% detí z centier, ktoré mali svojho BUDDYho, si našlo prácu a bývanie,“ zakladateľ BUDDY programu Ladislav Kossár

FUN Rádio: Nedeľná talkshow so Šarkanom a zakladateľom Programu BUDDY, Lacim Kossárom
