The BUDDY Program

Through the Gift of Friendship, We Change the Lives of Children Living in Children’s Homes

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We help children who cannot grow up with their families through individual relationships with volunteers.

We match children aged 12-16 living in children’s homes with adults who want to help them.

A carefully-selected and trained BUDDY adult volunteer spends time regularly and over many years with a particular child away from their institution. BUDDY volunteers accompany them through the turbulent period of adolescence, supporting them as they become independent and develop their potential.

BUDDY is about a safe, kind, reliable relationship that is healing for children who have had multiple adverse and traumatic childhood experiences.


grow up in Slovakia away from their families


live in Centres for Children and Families (formerly known as children’s homes)


could be involved in the BUDDY program


in Slovakia in total

BUDDY gives children the experience of knowing that someone cares about them, and makes them feel unique. These children carry traumas from their families, which are compounded by the shock of being separated from their families. They find themselves in the unstimulating environment of an institution, where they live in groups with other children. Even with their best efforts and intentions, caregivers cannot meet the essential emotional needs of every child.

In BUDDY relationships, children get the chance to experience unconditional acceptance, trust and understanding.

Buddy dôvera

BUDDY helps children live better


have already met their BUDDY volunteer


are actively involved in the program

23cities in SR

have BUDDY pairs who meet every week


cooperate with the BUDDY program

Map of changed lives

Red pin This is where children are waiting for a BUDDY volunteer (Centres) Blue pin Here some children have already met their BUDDY volunteer


BUDDY Katka (44)

“I’m a better listener, I’m more patient. I’ve learnt to be less annoyed when something doesn’t work out the way I wanted.”

Košice Centre

“We are so glad the BUDDY program is up and running in our region. It brings the children a lot of positivity and satisfaction, a meaningful way of spending time, and opens up new horizons to the world around them… We can say from experience that this program is worthwhile for the children. It makes them happy. Thank you.”

BUDDY Lenka (30), Košice

“I am acutely aware that genuine friendships and a supportive and loving family are not a given in life. It’s because I built up solid relationships in my youth that I feel this is something I need to nurture and pay forwards. I want to be as good a friend to someone else as my friends and family are to me. Because humans are social creatures and need to feel that they belong somewhere.”

Boris (14)

“I think I’m a better person for having him in my life.”

BUDDY Barbora (36), PB

“It’s so rewarding to be able to help a child by giving them our time! They really pick up on it and gradually come to understand that they have someone in their life to share both the good times and the bad."

Roman (15)

“I’m doing better in school and I’m getting more exercise.”

BUDDY Jana (40), Košice

“Everyone should step out of their comfort zone once in a while. The most valuable thing we can give to someone is our time. We all have so little of it, and everyone is rushing around, telling themselves they wouldn’t be able to fit this in. But it’s pretty easy. It’s about getting your priorities right.”

Bianka (16)

“I love everything we do, and I’m especially happy to be with her. Wouldn’t care if all we did was sit there feeling bored…just as long as I’m with her.”

BUDDY Ľudka (30), Malacky

“We get on well. We trust each other. I don’t offer her advice. I just keep her on track. I feel we’re on the same page. Her and me. We’re friends, simply… BUDDIES.”

Trnava Centre

“I notice that, through their relationship with a volunteer, the children have been able to form more intimate relationships with other adults who are part of their lives.”

Helena (15)

“I feel less ashamed. I don’t get as stressed when I have to speak in public, for example. She suggested various stress management techniques.”

Tamara (13)

“I’ve started to be more talkative, more smiley. I’m not sad as much, I feel more alive since we’ve been together.”

BUDDY Juraj (37), Galanta

“I’m learning that little things like paying attention, saying a few kind words, and having someone there for you are more important than anything else. We often get so caught up in our own egos and needs that we forget what’s really important.”

BUDDY Juraj (38), Košice

“It’s so easy to make a difference. With just a little more time, we can show a child a different outlook on the world and the people around them.”

Šimon (18)

“I don’t feel anxious as much; I can handle things better.”

Dominika (16)

“She understands me, she knows how to help me, she encourages me. She always makes time for me. She takes an interest in me.”

Sofia (16)

“She showed me that there are other ways to live than always feeling miserable. She’s been a great help to me.”


“The main benefit of this program is that the children have someone to give them their full attention, which they don’t have to share with other children in the group. This is such a simple thing, but it is often missing in these children’s lives. They may not say it out loud, but you can see it in their behaviour.”

Lucia (17)

“We discuss things I wouldn’t share with anyone else.”

Alica (15)

“I don’t answer back as much as I used to. I’ve made progress in my relationship with my mum.”

Kolárovo Centre

“Tamara’s BUDDY volunteer gives her motivation to study and aim high in life.”

Nikola (17)

“I feel like I am loved. It puts me in a better frame of mind.”


She’s traveled halfway around the world—visiting the Caribbean, the Maldives, and America. As a lawyer, she navigated a tumultuous period of workoholism.
Lukáš Poláček lives in Bratislava and has been working in the corporate world for more than fifteen years.
Milan is a blond man in his forties from Bratislava, with an older sister, a passion for music, organizing festivals, dancing, and cars.


A small change in your life could change the whole world of one child.

I want to help


Apply and give one child from the children’s home the most important thing – your time.

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Help us financially and we will find new volunteers who will give their time to children in need.

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There are more ways to help us, take a closer look and choose the one that suits you best.

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