Lucia Kossárová

Co-founder of the BUDDY program / Quality & Impact


Lucia is the sister of Ladislav Kossár and co-founder of the BUDDY program. As the lead expert for ​​quality improvement and impact measurement, she is dedicated to child protection, maintaining the quality of the program and capturing its impact as the organization grows.  


With her help, processes in the program are constantly being improved, professionalized and monitored to protect the best interest of children and to ensure that volunteers receive excellent support. She is also the organisation’s knowledge and experience “library”. She cares that all people involved in the program are heard and tirelessly looks for ways to maximize the impact on the lives of children and young people. She carefully monitors the feedback from all BUDDY volunteers, Centers for children and families, BUDDY supporters and the team. Thanks to her, the BUDDY program can show valuable data to the BUDDY community and society at large about the quality and sustainability of the program, and especially the importance of a safe and trusting adult in the life of a child who is not growing up in their family. 


She hopes that the BUDDY program, together with other organizations, will help towards a gradual system change so that all children can grow up in families or have at least one close adult in their lives to lean on while growing up. 


Lucia left Slovakia more than 20 years ago when she received a scholarship to study abroad.  She studied social sciences at the University College Utrecht and international development at the John Hopkins University SAIS in the USA and in Italy. She has worked for the Council of Europe and the World Bank, as well as a consultant in health and social development in various countries around the world. She lived in London, where she obtained her PhD in Health Policy at the London School of Economics and worked as a researcher for the independent think tank, the Nuffield Trust, in the field of international comparisons, measurement, evaluation, and quality improvement of health care systems and social policies. In addition to working in the BUDDY program, she continues to provide her consulting services in international development, and health and healthcare quality improvement. Currently she lives in Barcelona with her family. 

Lucia Kossárová in the media

Interreg Danube Region: Project MEET: Best practices - BUDDY program, Slovakia

Interview with Lucia Kossarova and Ladislav Kossar

Buddy: Darcovia (ne)obyčajného času

.týždeň: Hovorí sa, že v dnešnej neurotickej dobe to najvzácnejšie, čo môžeme človeku dať, je náš čas. Deťom v detských domovoch môžete pomôcť finančne, čo sa, samozrejme, cení. Ale existuje jedno občianske združenie, prostredníctvom ktorého môžete deťom,

Priateľstvo je dôležité

TA3 TÉMA: Live TV rozhovor s Luckou Kossárovou (44:22): Na základe čoho priraďujeme BUDDY dobrovoľníka k dieťaťu?

Páter Peter Podcast: 46. časť - Lucia Kossárová z Tvoj BUDDY

Páter Peter Podcast: Rozhovor so spoluzakladateľkou programu BUDDY, Luciou Kossárovou

Pomohli už 200 deťom. Lucia s bratom založili program, ktorý mení životy mladých v detských domovoch

Startitup: Článok o programe BUDDY a jeho spoluzakladateľke Lucke Kossárovej

Pomáhať deťom z centier pre deti a rodiny môžete aj vy. Program BUDDY hľadá kamarátov pre opustené deti.

Rádio Lumen: Zakladatelia Programu BUDDY Laci a Lucia Kossárovci v relácii Vitaj doma, rodina!

Kossárová z Tvoj Buddy: Každý dobrovoľník musí byť stabilným prvkom pre dieťa

SME: Rozhovory ZKH so spoluzakladateľkou Programu BUDDY, Luckou Kossárovou

Tisíce detí na Slovensku nepoznajú pocit domova. Aké riešenie ponúka Program Buddy?

14.04.2022 Podcast Na tému so spoluzakladateľkou Programu BUDDY, Luckou Kossárovou

Každé dieťa má svoj batôžtek traumatických zážitkov, vraví Lucia, ktorá hľadá dobrovoľníkov na pomoc deťom bez rodín

24DNES: Rozhovor so spoluzakladateľkou Programu BUDDY, Luckou Kossárovou

Oli Džupinková vyspovedala našu Luciu Kossárovú

podcast Radia Expres